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The Angels are all around you, and they want you to know that they are! They are there as helpers to assist you in your life and to raise the vibration of the planet, acting also as messengers from the divine light to bring guidance, love and inspiration.
What the Angels say is that right now it is a time for positive change and for a new energy of enlightenment to be brought into our planet. This is where you as a light worker will also help, just through being you and expressing your authentic self, you are helping to raise the vibration. The chances are, if you're reading this, then you were guided here! As you start to tune in with the energy of your Angels, you will receive the guidance and inspiration that you will need, to take the next steps in your life.
Before doing any of the following, please ask for the presence and protection of Archangel Michael, he will ensure that the energy around you is kept high and positive, so that your Angels can more easily communicate.
You can also ask for the presence and assistance of Archangel Gabriel, who is the Angel of communication.
Step 1- Believe!
The Angels say that the first step to assist in the communication with them, is to believe! This may sound simple, but sometimes when you cannot see nor hear energy, it can be hard for the logical mind to accept that it is there. But know that just as electricity is around you, but unseen, so are the Angels. Believe this as the truth from your heart and your spirit, and you will then open up the channel for miracles and signs to come through from the Angels. Through doing this it will also help the process of your third eye chakra opening up, so that you can start seeing the Angels around you, this may visions such as flashes and sparkles of coloured light, mist, orbs, angel shapes forming that you see in the clouds and many other forms that create a feeling of warmth and knowing within your spirit. Affirm to yourself upon waking each morning "I know and trust that my Angels are around me and guiding me today"
Step 2- Give Yourself Time
This is important for you to be able to receive the messages they bring through for you. Spend at least 5 minutes a day quietly somewhere or more time if you have it available. If you find that there are many demands around you, doing this in the shower/bath each day it is a good start and also helps to keep you in a routine of doing it daily. Relax your mind and ask for the Angels to bring you through messages, do not try too hard, just allow for images, thoughts, pictures and messages to just flow in. You may find that you ask, and then a few hours later you have an inspiration thought, idea or synchronistic event! Also remember that Angels can communicate in feelings, so if you have an overwhelming sense of love, joy or gratitude, the chances are the Angels are surrounding you with their loving energy. The messages the Angels bring through can sometimes be quite subtle, so just recognise and be aware of any changes in temperature, feelings or emotions you have.
Step 3- Ask For A Sign & Then Keep Your Eyes Open
To receive confirmation of their presence, you can ask your Angels for a sign. I've always found that in some form or another they will always provide one for you, this may not be straight away, as it can take time for them to bring events into physical reality, but often if will be on the same day or within a few days. Signs can include feathers, coins, books falling off the shelf, number sequences, butterfly's or anything else that seems to stand out as a sign for you. This is the Angels way of connecting with you and giving you confirmation, and in doing this they want you to also be open to receiving their guidance and inspirations.
Step 4- Use An Angel Journal/Notebook
This is a great way of easily connecting with the Angels, as when you have a journal specifically for communicating with the Angels, they will bring you through information. You can take your time choosing a beautiful notebook/journal or you can use any one that you have spare. Each evening, start by writing down your feelings, thoughts and experiences. You can even record your dreams if you wish as often messages come through in this way.
Start a new page and write- "The name of my Guardian Angel/Angels" and then close your eyes for a few minutes take some deep breaths and as you slowly open your eyes you will feel or sense a name that comes to you. Do you analyse or think overly about this name, just write it down. Your ego may try to tell you that it's a name you heard earlier or that it's not an angelic name, but this is just your ego trying to distract you. Trust in the name you get, it may be a very unusual name or it may be a well known and unexpected name like Fred! It may be male or female, or you may have more than one. Either way just trust and know that your Angel has brought you through this name.
Under this write- "Words or messages my Guardian Angels have for me" and repeat the same process but this time with focussing on a word or messages. Try not to pressurise yourself overly, it doesn't matter if you don't receive anything to start with, it will come with practise. Try doing this daily and you will find that over time, you start receiving a message for the day ahead from your Angels.
Step 5- Use Crystals!
This is a great way to help with raising the vibration around you, and there are many different crystals which are associated with the Angelic realm. Some of the crystals I find that are most effective for connecting to the angelic realms include Selenite, Celestite, Angelite, Larimar, Lepidolite and Apophyllite. To use any of these crystals, find somewhere quiet and maybe put on some calming music. Ask for the presence of Archangel Michael for protection and Archangel Gabriel for assisting in clear communication.
Relax and focus your attention on your third eye chakra (between your eyes). Hold your chosen crystal and visualise the energy from the crystal pouring out and covering your body and your aura. Ask in your mind or out loud for your Guardian Angel to bring you through any messages that you need to hear right now. After you have asked, keep your mind aware of any thoughts, emotions, sensations, images, feelings or senses that come to you, for they can communicate in a variety of ways.
Spend around 10-20 minutes (or as long as you feel is necessary) doing this. Do not worry if you don't receive anything straight away, sometimes it can take time to become accustomed to the energy of a particular crystal.
Over time you will find that the crystal amplifies and enhances the energy around you, and it will help for messages to come through from the Angelic realms with ease.
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