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Be as you were born to be.
Do not try to wear a mask for others, to give an illusion of something that you are not.
It suffices that you are who you are.
Do not do yourself an injustice by forcing yourself into shoes that do not fit and do not belong to you.
Feel the essence of who you really are.
Live it and breathe it - life is there to be lived as you and only you; do not try to live the lives of others.
Life is and should be a wonderful adventure - there for the trying.
Enjoy your journey along life's path as you remain true to the essence of your being.
Another's path will contain lessons and obstacles that were not intended for you and theirs is their own adventure.
The adventure of your own life and the lessons needed most can only be found by walking your own true path and not by walking in another's footsteps.
The truth can only be ascertained by you and you alone - another cannot answer your questions for you.
Even when you try another's shoes on for size, to be able to help them and to find out how they are feeling and why they are the way that they are, the shoes will still not be theirs as such.
For you will have adapted them to your own feet by turning the situation and adjusting it so that you can see it from your point of view - for your feelings are never going to match their feelings entirely.
It is important to walk in another's shoes thus, provided you can remember to wear your own shoes through life and also to retain your own sense of identity and worth.
It is also important to remember that the shoes will adapt to your feet and although you will have a better understanding of their owner by the time you take their shoes off again, your point of view will never be the same.
In order for two people to think and feel in exactly the same way, one must be standing on the other's toes and merging with the other.
This would, of course, not allow the proper room for growth and would make life and the journey through life uncomfortable for all.
Therefore, by being who you were meant to be and by being true to yourself on your path, you may walk along through life and grow and develop as you should...
And when you have cause to try the shoes of another for a short while, you will then be able to adapt them to a perfect fit.
Walk well, and walk comfortably with yourself.
Make every footstep true and be sure-footed in your own shoes.
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