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(and the KISS method)
Contrary to what you might have heard (or feel) of this messy year for many, this too shall pass and even usher in a brand new year.
The rumor has it, they are going to call it…..2019!
(well, call me Psychic).
I first wrote this article about eleven years ago.
The principles haven't changed. But how it’s said has.
I've run into how other systems of education approach it, including the Rosicrucian system. From which, I hear, the movie The Secret was based.
I don't know if it was, but i do use the Rosicrucian technique.
It’s not rocket science.
Whatever the system, the concept remain the same.
Create in the spiritual and receive in the material.
Be clear about what you want and…decide upon it.
1. Create it spiritually.
2. Generate a bunch of visual images to represent, you already received what you are asking for.
3. Then that important step…let it go completely. Give it a few minutes of blanking out your head of all images. Then forget it all happened. Very important.
That’s it!
You can (and you should) repeat this many time you like, in the coming days…weeks or months.
Call it, “closing the deal”.
But each time, finish it and completely let go. That is the key.
To create visually, is to create in the spiritual realm.
You do this my creating visual images of you already having what you want.
Then let it come the way, it best can ....and WITHOUT insisting on the ‘how’ part.
How fast does it come?
The bird of technicality says “it can immediately”.
But the bird of practicality gets confused when it doesn’t.
Some things may immediately and other may seemed to be lost in time.
What you place between you and what you say you want, makes the difference.
Now the most important part, so it’s worth repeating.
What you have placed between you and what you say you want, makes the difference.
There us also the part about things happen a bit slower in the material realm, in comparison to the spiritual realm, where you created so instantly.
Then there is the part about receiving it.
In the world of psychics, they call it Havingness.
It is your capacity, to receive what you are asking for.
When the space is filled with other things, there is no space for what you are asking to arrive.
This is immediately conscious from the fact that you don't really believe you might get what you are asking for.
But this is an easier problem to crack.
The real problem is when you are unconscious to what is in the way.
The iceberg metaphor is relevant here.
The part sticking out is the smallest part perhaps.
Like in the subconscious, a large part of the iceberg remains submerged in the depts of the water.
Some things that come easy to you, maybe difficult for someone else.
What is difficult for you, maybe easy for others.
For example, some say “money? No problem.
Maybe relationship? Still waiting, you say.
The list goes on. So on and so worth.
You get the idea.
This part is long time work of self awareness…and beyond the scope of this lazy, less ambitious author.
The method to create is simple (unless you insist on complicating).
The problem many run into is, they start with so much zealousness that they end up complicating it.
Instead, keep it simple.
In the days, when I used to go dancing, I used to hang out with a cool relaxed couple who I often ended up chatting with about life.
He seems to get along with anyone and create an instant rapport. Men or women.
So I asked him “What is your secret? Why do people, men or women, find it so easy to talk to you?”
His answer was not earth shattering.
He said “I use a simple formula. The is KISS method”.
Of course, I was intrigued.
“KISS method? What the hell is that?" I asked.
He just said “Keep It Simple Stupid”
It applies here too.
You can overcomplicate the creation process.
Or Keep It Simple (KISS).
Just keep the images simple.
As this year wraps up, you have plenty of time to think about what you want, in the year and years to come. And stack up your images.
If you want, paint it, draw it with lots of colours or just write it in your diary.
It’s yours. Own it. Make it yours.
Happy New Year.
May it bring you, your heart’s desires!
Mikki is a psychic, healer and a teacher.
For limited time, Mikki is offering free 15min Aura/Chakra Healing.
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