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What are crystals?
Crystals are solids that form by a regular repeated pattern of molecules connecting together. In some solids, the arrangements of the building blocks (atoms and molecules) can be random or very different throughout the material. In crystals, however, a collection of atoms called the Unit Cell is repeated in exactly the same arrangement over and over throughout the entire material.
Crystals are pure solarised sunlight which take millions of years to form, each has a resonance or vibration. Man has been healing with crystal energy for centuries; the ancient civilizations used crystal and colours for healing, not only for healing but also for teaching and interstellar communications. Unfortunately this was mostly lost through to disuse.
Crystals are here to teach us and serve us, but their energy lays dormant until we awaken it. They have an elemental consciousness, the mineral; plant and animal kingdom are all bound together with a group consciousness. The elements need to be directed and channelled therefore, a crystal needs to be programmed to use them or they are just chunks of rock , each crystal has a diva , a soul , and once meditated on this can be accessed and communicated with , each crystal should be cleansed before and after use, making it clear to channel the healing energy , crystals can help us to liberate those areas of the mind which we are not consciously aware of and help us to balance the subconscious and conscious mind in turn expanding or own higher self.
Some crystals have higher frequencies... and their strong energy fields can be used to raise your personal vibration. This is a time of extraordinary changes on the earth These higher vibration crystals are the primary healing stones that may be used to assist you in your spiritual healing journey.
Cleansing your Crystals
Once you aquired your crystals you need to cleanse them of any negative energy they may be holding there are a number of way of doing this, crystals are like portable computers which receive, store and release energy on command. First they have to be cleared of any previous thoughts and programming, so they are like a blank memory in which they can be programmed for you.
• You can bury the crystal overnight and the earths magnetic energy will cleanse it.
• Wash it in the sea or with salt water in a bowl, many crystal healers intuitively know when they are cleansed
• Place them in Water with a few drops of rescue remedy
• Sitting your crystal on cluster
Once you’ve cleansed them keep them wthin your aura for a while you could even sleep with them to connect them with your own vibration, its good to have a crystal for a few weeks before healing with them.
Programming your Crystals
Healing Crystals need to be programmed because they are a multi purpose tool used for meditation and healing a silicone chip which is a crystal is not activated until programmed by energising it with electrical current in order to perform a specific function.. If you do have crystals set out make sure theyre not conflicting . you can place a programmed on a tv or computer , all electrical items give off radiation in the form or positive ions and these are harmful they can create a build up causing anger and depression, you need to add negative ions to calm the atmosphere down again restoring peace , this can be done by pre-programming your crystals before placing them on electrical items.
• First way of programming is to place the crystal in you right hand with the point facing your body, it will receive energy from your higher mind, now calm your mind, breathing rhythmically , crystals do not respond to verbal commands only thought and colours and sounds. Draw in white light through your crown chakra and concentrate your though s are instilling the crystal with healing and balancing power, imagine the white light being drawn through you into your hand filling the crystal with white light energy.
• You can also hold the crystal in your left hand with the point facing upwards, now hold your right hand over the top of the crystal. Concentrate on a beam of white light entering through your crown chakra down your arm and left hand and up through the base of the crystal and out of the top your right hand which is being held over the top will complete the circuit. Now ask the crystal to be programmed for one of the following.
Balance and harmony
Harmony and healing
Health an happiness
Transmutting negative energy
Releasing blockages in the chakra
A to Z of Crystal Meanings
Amethyst - The elevator. Strengthens the immune system, contains sobering and calming qualities. Aids meditation, sleep and connection to the divine.Nature's tranquilizer opens up psychic energies
Amazonite - It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health.Makes you feel good, uplifted and creative. Dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages. Enhances the memory
Aventurine - Has the ability to ground an individual emotionally. One of the best balances for the heart chakra.Promoting spiritual growth andgratitude, encouraging a positive outlook.
Amber - A powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit. Draws disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system and balancing both the right and left parts of the brain.
Apache tears - The owner of an Apache Tear drop will never have to cry again, as the Apache Women have shed tears in you place . It balances emotions and protects from being taken advantage of. It produces clear vision, increasingpsychic powers. Aides the elimination of toxins and calms muscle spasms
Aquamarine - Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion. Useful for closure on all levels. Promotes self expression. Soothes fear and increases sensitivity.
Blue lace Agate - A gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquillity also bringing a lessening of anger and acalming of nervousness.A healer of the throat chakra. aids arthritis
Bloodstone - Helps to strengthen the blood purifying organs. This powerful stone reduces Stress, centring you and inspiring intuition, creativity and spiritual awareness
Black Tourmaline - This stone protects from all kinds of negativity, ranging from electronic radiation from computers, to negativecpeople, psychic attacks, past livescand spells. Brings grounding inclife and balances bodilycsystems for health
Blue Howlite - Reduces a tendency to over criticize, promotes selfless behavior andencourage s patience.Has the ability to calm your own anger and to absorb anger directed at you
Carnelian - A highly evolved healer, giving both mental and physical energy. Protects from bad vibrations,guarding against poverty. Helps give a sense of humour and calms the temper.
Clear Quartz - Clear quartz is known to be the most powerful of all gemstones. A strong dispeller of negativity, amplifying and transmitting energy. Used for therapy and the channelling of healing
Citrine Milky Quartz A gentle, soothing and purifying stone. It will gradually clear blocked energy, release difficult emotions and disperse negative thoughts. Prevents self destructive tendencies by raising self esteem. Gives cheer, hope, warmth, energy and abundance
Chrysophase - Traditionally a stone of good luck and success. Used as a shield or protectoragainst negative energy. Encourages hope and joy helping to cure restlessness. Promotes sound sleep and deep rest
Dalmation jasper - It will cleanse and gently energise your companion. auric field. calming helps to strengthen family loyaltiesgives you the ability to sense who is a true friend.superb gift for a friend represents loyalty and long term relationship
Fluorite - Absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations. It makes one more receptive to the vibrations of other stones. Increases concentration and decision making
Garnet - It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. It will balance sex drive and alleviate emotional disharmony
Haematite - Beneficial to the blood steam , iron deficiency and pain relief Promotes personal magnetism. An inspirer of courage, keeping your head out of the clouds
Jet - Lifts feelings of depression, calming the mind. Allows us to see bey ond the present moment and perceive hidden things. Can be used for scrying.
Jade - A good luck stone which can bri ng health, wealth, happiness, longevity and love. Encourages practicality, wisdom, mental peace and tolerance of others. It assists fertility and childbirth
Labradorite - The stone of transformation. A useful companion through change, imparting strength andperseverance. Increases intuition and psychic ability.
Lapis lazuli - Benefits the respiratory system, throat, vocal chords, and thyroid. Aids communication and meditation, encouraging spiritual awakening and connection. Stimulates expression and creativity
Leopardskin jasper - Associated with shaman travel and spiritual discovery. It helps you to connect with your spiritual animal totem. Assists in maintaining a realistic attitude during any personal evolution
Mookaite - Stabilizes the immune system . Allows intense spiritual experiences. Brings a deep innercalm encouraging connection with nature
Milky Quartz - A gentle, soothing and purifying stone. It will gradually clear blocked energy, releasedifficult emotions and disperse negative thoughts
Moonstone The mother earth stone. A very feminine stone which is associated with fertility, PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding. An emotional balance
Opalite - Assists with telepathic, channelled, and clairvoyance communication. Excellent for removing energyblockages. Stabilises mood swings and helps overcome fatigue
Onyx - Has the ability to soothe fears and worries and to control to overwhelming emotions. Impartsself-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings
Orange calcite - An uplifting stone which will relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression andsuicidal thoughts. Restores mental and emotional equilibrium
Pyrite - A protector against all forms of darkness. Cleanses, enlivens and inspires enthusiasm. Eases anxiety, depression and frustration. Inspires leadership and harmony in the workplace. Can be used as a truth revealing mirror
Rose Quartz - The Love Stone, healing the heart and emotions. Said to encourage self -love, love of others, forgiveness, and compassion.
Rhodonite A stone of compassion, clearing away emotional wounds, enabling us to express strong, genuine feelings. Supports us in times of transformation that are not of our own choosing.
Rutiliated Quartz - A powerful healer. It cuts through mental and spiritual blockages. Lightens heavy moods, easing depression. Encourages progress through tough times
Red Jasper - Aids in dream recall and psychic abilities. A gently stimulating and extremely protective stone.Rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy
Smoky quartz - The dream stone. Releases old negativity by removing depression. It is mildly sedativeand relaxing. An able tool for meditation and dream enhancing.
Snowflake obsidian - Considered a good detoxification stone. Keeps energy well grounded. Clears subconscious blocks encouraging optimism, spiritual guidance and connection with the divine.
Sodalite - Brings order and calmness to the mind. Strengthens the metabolism and lymphatic system. Brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks, enabling creative expression
Serpentine - Good for enhancing the meditative state. Eases nightmares, insomnia, paranoia and fear of theunknown. It helps you to find inner peace. Balances mood swings.
Tigers Eye - A stone of protection against the evil eye, demons and witch craft. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.
Tigers Eye - Excellent for studying and memory also protects from strangers and enhances friendships , aids immune system and nervous system
Unakite - Balances the heart, gently releasing emotional blocks. Helpful for pregnancy & childbirth Loosens constrictions we may feel, resolving conflicts
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