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Psychic development course
If you are wanting to develop your psychic skills there are lots of ways you can go about this. For example reading books, articles or even doing a Psychic Development Course. If your not yet ready to invest all your time into this then I have found some simple psychic development exercises you can do just for fun and give your psychic a little nudge!
Did you know that you can use ordinary objects for bringing out your inner psychic, you can awaken your own natural psychic powers and have fun all at the same time. You don't even need to go out of the house.
Keep A Dream Journal
Your dreams are a doorway to the subconscious, and if you can keep a dream journal it will lead you to answers that could unlock the mysteries of your daily life or even future events. Make sure that you pay attention to your dreams sometimes they really do come true.
Select a deck of cards, shuffle them several times and allow your self to connect with the cards, colours and suits. Place the deck on the table and cut the deck. without looking take the top card and hold it in your hand, close your eyes and try to see the colour of the card, is it red or black? you can do this as many times as you wish you have 50/50 chance of getting it right, make a n

Are you psychic?
ote of how many correct guesses you have had anything above 50% is good. Once you have done this you can move on to guessing the suit . remain calm and relaxed as the odds keep on growing.
Eat an apple
First of all choose yourself an apple before you eat it clearly ask a question which is answerable by a Yes or No. Eat the apple. When you are through, count the number of seeds. This can vary from 3 to 12 pieces. An odd number of seeds gives you the answer No. An even number of seeds gives you the answer Yes.
Remember to always make notes of your successes, this a great way to see the work and progress of developing psychic and intuitive abilities.
Confidence is key to even more accuracy
You can learn how to communicate with spirits and understand how angels can help you on your journey. Learn how to pick up messages using Psychometry and with plenty of exercises included to help you develop your skills you will soon be in a position to use and connect with universal energy for the benefit of your self and others with The School of Life Studies Psychic Development Certificate course :
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