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Many readers may recall an article by Mavis Pattilla published in Septembers “Psychic News”, concerning the dilapidated state of Emma Hardinge Brittens` grave.
Is it something you care about? And would you like to help?
Norwich Spiritualist Church with the blessings of President Duncan Gascoyne and the support of Mavis Pattilla, have taken up the challenge and started fund raising to replace the headstone on Emma Hardinge Brittens` grave. We have a number of events planned, with many Stansted mediums offering their services to help boost the funds. Having acquired four quotes, the overall amount needed to complete the work is £3,000. This covers the removal of the old stone and the installation of the new one. The type of which would be a much longer lasting polished granite stone.
The original stone being of historical value could be transported to the Arthur Findlay College at Stansted, along with a lintel belonging to Emmas house, which has already been offered to the College by Salford Church. The lintel currently resides in the grounds of Salford Church. Both items could then be installed in a memorial garden for safe keeping. The AFC already exhibits many other artefacts of Emmas`. Further costs for the transportation of items to Stansted may also be incurred, and so they too have to be met.
If you, your Church / Organisation or Centre would like to make a contribution or donation to this cause, then please contact Linda Smith via E-Mail at or make your cheque payable to : EHB Fund at NSC and send it to the President Linda Smith c/o Norwich Spiritualist Church, Chapel Field North, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 1NY. All your help will be very much appreciated, and progress reports will be made available via the Norwich Spiritualist Church Website at
My interest in this project began about four years ago, after having attended a lecture given by Dr Malcolm Lewis, which encompassed the condition of Emma Hardinge Brittens grave. I was deeply saddened at the time to hear how the grave had been so badly neglected. This lady was one of our greatest pioneers, the “Mother of Spiritualism”, and this is part of our history which could be lost forever if we do not do something now. We know as Spiritualists that Emma has moved on, but this is the only visible place where you could truly visit and say “Here lies the body that housed the spirit within”. So surely it must be somewhat special in the hearts of all Spiritualists.
Since this item has been published within the P/news and due out in the P/world we can update the above information.... The Lintel will remain with Salford Church and moved into a more prominent position.
Please support our efforts in what ever way you can, thank you Ken
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