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God and Theta Healing
• Is God taboo?
Here on this sceptred isle, we have a problem with talking about God. Why might that be?
How many of us, after freeing ourselves from the clutches of religious hypocrites when we were young, become atheists?
My wife Anne, reeling from the shock of her mother’s premature death in the 70’s, later discovered she had psychic and healing gifts. During her ‘apprenticeship’ towards becoming a Spiritual Healer, my enlightened [typical male?] way of dealing with stuff I couldn’t handle was to extract the urine.
Anne’s ways of coping with being able to heal then, using a massively understood, and still relatively rare process, was to become qualified in massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and Reiki.
• God doesn’t believe in Atheism.
Anne introduced me to Reiki, and it worked. A visit to a clairvoyant also burst my bubble. Atheism and ‘spooky’ didn’t mix.
In the early 90’s I found a passion for Neuro-Linguistic Programming [NLP]. I became very good at it. I did a Master Practitioner’s course with NLP Comprehensive in Colorado, renowned for its spiritual approach to the discipline. Later I found my greatest affinity was to top NLP trainers Robert Dilts and Robert McDonald, who created a 3-day event called ‘Tools of the Spirit.’ God featured heavily.
As a therapist, I found myself being coached by internal thoughts whenever I got stuck. I successfully helped people with the most profound challenges. I concluded it was my Higher Self.
As a Spiritual Healer, Anne is advised and directed by her Spirit Guides.
• God has offered us Theta Healing [again]
About a year ago, we were introduced to Theta [DNA] Healing by a friend who I had once trained in NLP. At first we both found it interesting. A fire was lit. We are now Theta teachers, and Anne is a Theta trained Intuitive [Anatomy] healer too.
Theta Healing is all about God. The Theta healer is a channel for God’s Divine energy, accessed by a process which activates a Theta brain wave state. The American originator of Theta healing, Vianna Stibal has no problems with God, as her first book was entitled ‘Go Up and Seek God.’
My other inspiration is Neale Donald Walsch. He wrote the first Conversations With God [CwG] in 1995. At the time, I thought the idea ridiculous and dismissed it out of hand. Americans seem to be more comfortable with God.
A few months ago, I had a profound dream. In it, ran the words [you’ve guessed it] ‘Conversations With God.’ The next day I bought CwG book 1. I now have all Neale’s books [10 of them], and Anne and I going to see him in Glasgow in October.
Have you heard of Quantum Touch? Reconnective Healing? The former is about the ‘Life Force’; in a book about the latter is an acknowledgment to God.
How new are all these forms of healing? The processes may be new, but the principles are timeless, and were no doubt practised in the earliest advanced civilisations.
Let us return to Theta healing. It based around several key principles. That there is a Creator, God, All That Is. God is the most powerful force in the universe; indeed, s/he/it is All That Is. By getting into a Theta brain wave state, we have access to, can communicate with and make commands of God. Quantum Physics declares that by witnessing the healing in our mind’s eye that we command for our clients, it becomes manifest.
Instant healing is possible and it happens. Vianna Stibal has personally experienced it, as have many of her clients. And so has my wife with a client’s guinea pig!
Why aren’t there more instant healings? They are on their way. Guess what stops them? Our beliefs. We block healing by believing it is impossible. We don’t deserve it. It’s good to be ill. Ulterior motives from this life and past lives get in the way.
• God loves us really…
The real work of the Theta healer is to help the client change their limiting [and often life-threatening] beliefs. And who do you suppose changes the beliefs? God. And what is often the biggest block to wellness, beliefs about God.
My first paying Theta client was a confirmed Atheist. He still got massive benefits, yet I’m convinced he was clinging on to his atheism at first. At least three of my clients, who are/were letting go [d] of life-threatening illnesses, have had the most deep-rooted beliefs about God being a cruel and vengeful entity.
One of the greatest ever [Spiritual] healers, the late Harry Edwards, declared that healing was in essence a by-product of his primary purpose, to awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings in a human body. And I can’t think who spirit guides get their wisdom from.
Vianna Stibal states in her book ‘Theta Healing’:
“There is however one requirement that is absolute with this technique. You must have a central belief in the Creator of All That is, of Creator, of God.”
So, there we have it. All of the most powerful healing modalities share one thing. And in my naive way, I believe [I know] that the closer we get to God, the more aware we become, the higher our consciousness becomes, and the more the planet moves towards peace rather than barbarism.
Any therapy or healing process worthy of the name has ways of helping us [re] connect to God. Have you ever used the expression, “part of me wants to do it…”? Well in NLP, a conscious dialogue with your ‘parts’ opens the way to amazing changes. And part of you is God…
Vianna teaches us that Theta healing is complementary to and consistent with all of the world’s religions.
Thank God for my Higher Self. I somehow knew that already.
Jack Stewart, May 2008.
Jack Stewart BA, MSc, FCIPD is a Theta healer and teacher. He is an NLP Trainer who has co-authored the book ‘The Coaching Parent’, co-created the CD’s Relax With Cats and Purrfect Symphony, and has writiten ‘God’s My Best Mate,’ to be published in February. Visit his wife Anne and his web site,
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