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Polarity Therapy - Energy in balance, power and intelligence:
A polarity is defined as having the quality of being polar. It is a system that has two equal and opposite charges or poles. A polarity is a state of dynamic equilibrium in which a neutral space exists. As a result of the existence of a polarity energy is available for release. There is internal or inherent power. With power there is the ability, whether physical, mental or moral, to act.
In light of the observations above it appears that the simple mechanism of apolarity is the building block of all nature and is inherent in all form and activity, as such, it is a necessary prerequisite for life to exist.
“Polarity is the loom on which reality is strung…” Spilsbury and Bryner
Intelligence is certain, direct and economical in application. A function of intelligence is the ability to recognize connections. In recognizing connections it is possible to react in another direction than the active force, to be able to surprise with creativity. This is non-linear behaviour and it is not predictable. The level of unpredictability of the reactions is a measure of the level of intelligence and in behavioural terms is depicted by curiousity, accompanied by a willingness to play. As we shall see, such creativity at play is central to the purpose and function of a polarity.
The release of energy as a direct result of balance suggests the energy itself knows when to flow. It can recognise when a polarity exists. This release of energy is also accompanied by a number of other qualities that go beyond the mere ability to act. These include an increased creative capacity, a playfulness and an enhanced sense of Self-awareness and ease. This hints at the role of an underlying intelligence, an innate awareness capable of noticing when a polarity is established and releasing itself. In light of this it appears that intelligent awareness appears to be a precursive attribute for energy to flow when a polarity is established.
In practice this underlying energy-intelligence is revealed during the therapeutic process, through observation and direct experience. It is not only observable, it is repetitive, predictable and consistent in form or pattern.
Experience seems to be held or absorbed in the connective tissue in the body, as such the past is present, the wound remains active. It remains active until neutrality is achieved. A neutral state is achieved when a polarity is established, that is we can see both sides, and then both the emotion (feeling) and memory surrounding the original wounding are consciously recognised re-experienced and finally released into a synaesthetic state, a unified state that has no attachment, as it was meant to be. In effect the outcome of Polarity therapy establishes a state in the client where the predominantly sub-conscious, negative and scattered reactions to events is reversed and resolved. There remains no charge, no attachment, no judgement but merely a state of neutrality and well being. The past is no longer present in the tissue. We can refer to the experience without reliving it.
So, we have the polarity principle consisting of an interplay of neutrality, intelligence and energy such that when these elements combine the play of life, the life force, flows creatively. So it appears that the polarity principle defines a mechanism that contains the organising factor for life to both flow and unfold.
“All of nature is a living being, ever seeking greater awareness, freedom and creative unfoldment” Dr Randolph Stone
By developing an understanding of how polarities affect life you will be enabled to explore a new relationship with these essential dichotomies and venture into a mysterious and beautiful process, to unlock a doorway that transcends duality. By being aware of how you allow certain issues or concepts to dominate your attention you can choose to exercise, to practice, to become familiar with, the ability to hold a different view, to build harmony. You can learn to hone, to polish, to refine your power to create previously unseen options and provide choice. Engaging with polarities breaks-through existing paradigms, it can lead to unification and ultimately an ever deepening experience with your self.
The Self, or Soul, is defined as an entity conceived as the essence, substance, animating principle or actuating cause of life! It is the vehicle of individual existence and can be viewed as the source of the energy-intelligence defined within the polarity principle.
Polarity therapy can therefore be an exploration of the mystery of this relationship with Self, or Soul. It is a key to safely develop your ability to choose to establish balance and clarity. It is a key to experiencing the creative use of your intelligence. It is a key to raise Self-awareness, to mature the soul, and to transcend duality. It is a key to directly experience your true nature and end your suffering, to heal, or become whole.
“If you can treat both impostors just the same…” Kipling
Addressing polarities at any level of existence will re-acquaint yourself with the core of existence, with source, with your divine nature. The process enables a conscious return to harmony, a responsible engagement with the infinite and ultimately the ability to co-create with the universe. For you can not only re-establish polarities in yourself internally, but by definition help complete them, or co-create them externally and as the nature of intelligence is economical (ie: leads to minimal use of energy in the long run) this conscious engagement with Polarity principles is also a truly ecological process.
It is the very dual or polar nature of the human experience that enables this recovery to happen, a polar nature that is so often used to justify excess, prejudice, extremism, disease, the judgement of others, instead of transcending it. When we allow attention to dominate on only one aspect, one pole, one extreme, we deny the establishment of a polarity, we deny establishment of harmony, we deny our inherent ability to unify, to transcend. We deny ourselves, our very Self, our very Soul.
“Stretch your well-disciplined strength between opposing poles
For it is inside human beings that God wants to know…” Rilke
Polarity therapy:
Polarity therapy is simply the application of a self-regulating mechanism that enables you to contemplate beauty, to touch your Soul, to become whole. It is a practical application that enables you to regain full possession of your own power of attention and live through responsible and conscious choice. By addressing Polarity principles at all levels of being, and re-establishing the ecstatic union of energy currents that supports your existence, a Polarity therapy Practitioner seeks to:
• enable innate energy-intelligence, the life force, to operate freely.
• assist you to raise your Self awareness.
• enable you to better notice imbalance.
• assist you to accept responsibility and exercise conscious choice to restore harmony.
• help you to polish your attentive faculties and restore a beautiful relationship with body, mind and spirit.
Polarity Therapy has been a “Sleeping Giant” in the therapeutic world. It is unique in its scope and application and has been effectively practiced until now as an esoteric, healing art form, as its founder Dr Stone stated:
“ to forge the diamond soul”
Polarity Therapy is at the growing edge of exploring the human condition. It has now emerged to take its natural place in the collective consciousness and the mainstream of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
It is recognised and respected worldwide as a professional and effective health-building system and for its community of skilful practitioners who are renowned for their ability and integrity.
Polarity therapy practitioners form a close-knit and vibrant community and feel assured of their professionally recognised reputation. They are renowned for their principled approach, their dedication and the quality and efficacy of the service they provide.
In the UK the title of Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) is only bestowed on individuals rigorously trained in schools accredited by the United Kingdom Polarity Therapy Association (UKPTA). RPP’s are all members of the British Complementary Medical Association (BCMA) and independently regulated through the British Complementary Therapies Council for Voluntary Self Regulation (BCTC)
Polarity Therapy was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND (1890-1981), who conducted a thorough investigation of energy in the healing arts over the course of his 60-year medical career. Drawing on information from a wide range of sources , he found that the Human Energy Field is affected by touch, diet, movement, sound, attitudes, relationships, life experience, trauma and environmental factors. Through the application of basic but profound polarity principles he developed an energy based therapeutic system that relies on 4 pillars of intervention - bodywork, the development of self-awareness and process skills, diet and stretching exercises. A combination of these four health promoting techniques can effectively re-establish Polarities, enabling balance to return and energy-intelligence to flow; Restrictions to action whether physical, mental, or emotional are thus released. The Client is then free to play the magical game of life, to evolve, to unfold through natural, responsible choice.
The scope of Polarity practice is often very broad, and potentially vast in its impact and reach. Through the application of a subtle blend of bodywork, awareness and processing skills, cleansing diets and polarity yoga it delivers:
• A prescription for intelligent, responsible action.
• The raising of Self-awareness.
• The maturation of the Soul.
• The alleviation of suffering (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ease). A truly holistic approach which incorporates all aspects of the human condition.
• Greater harmony in relationships.
• The healing science of the future. A science of health to complement and transcend the existing one that dominates its attention on disease.
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