Q&A About Mediumship (2150) (Cheshire)
By:Kathryn Valdal Saleem
Date: Sun,20 Sep 2020
Sometimes people are confused about what mediums actually do and what mediumship is all about. International clairvoyant medium, Kathryn Va......View
The Medium Maria (6577) (Isle of Wight)
By:The Medium Maria
Date: Wed,16 Aug 2017
Submitter:Maria Medium
Whether they are called upon or not, spiritual guides may come to the aid of people throughout their ......View
In My fathers house (6655) (International)
By:Mark Digby
Date: Thu,06 Apr 2017
Submitter:Mark Digby
"Let not your hearts be troubled, believe in god, believe also in me. In my fathers house there are many rooms. " John 14 verses 1-2. ......View
Healing Spirit Crystals (6695) (Oxfordshire)
Date: Mon,03 Apr 2017
I am a psychic, medium and healer. I'm passionate about working with Spirit and bring evidence from your loved ones during 1:1 readings. I'......View
You Are A Channel (6584) (International)
By:Mark Digby
Date: Mon,03 Apr 2017
Submitter:Mark Digby
" Remember that however insignificant you may consider yourself to be, you can still be a channel." white Eagle. ......View
Psychic Readings Basingstoke (10474) (Hampshire)
By:Maxine Stevens
Date: Sat,22 Oct 2016
Submitter:Maxine's Angels
Looking for guidance in relationships, career, what is next for you?
I work with spirit around you and deliver guidance with a mixture ......View
Excellence - Aim High (13365) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Sat,04 Jun 2016
Submitter:Annie Conboy
One of the things I love is when I get a message from the Spirit World from another medium. I know I can tune in myself and get guidance or......View
Learning Wisdom (12513) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Sat,04 Jun 2016
Submitter:Annie Conboy
I'm away at the moment. During a quick trip into the local town I got a chance to use wifi and have a quick catch up with the rest of the w......View
Pedestal Not Required (13380) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,25 Jan 2016
Submitter:Annie Conboy
One of the challenges of being a one eyed king in the kingdom of the blind is that the ego starts to believe all of it’s own hype. For a lo......View
My psychic life: Day 23 (16153) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Fri,18 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
One of my strongest psychic senses is that of being able to feel Energy Beings – clairsentience. I can feel their emotions, their physical ......View
My psychic life: Day 22 (13110) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Fri,18 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
On of the more challenging things about opening up my psychic ability has been that I now ‘see’ energy. Not quite in the way I would throug......View
My psychic life: Day 22 - 2 (12298) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Fri,18 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
One of the parts of my work I really enjoy is explaining how the connection to Energy Beings work. It usually involves passing on informati......View
My psychic life: Day 21 (12405) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Fri,18 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
One of the parts of my work I really enjoy is explaining how the connection to Energy Beings work. It usually involves passing on informati......View
My psychic life: Day 20 (14909) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Fri,18 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
This is the second blog today as Day 19 was written at 2am this morning. My auntie is home & doing much better thankfully. I’m recovering f......View
My psychic life: Day 19 (23839) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Fri,18 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Well, Day 19 came & went. The blog didn’t happen but I’m writing it now. Day 19 wasn’t a lack of discipline, or not making the time or not ......View
My psychic life: Day 18 (11721) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Fri,18 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
One of the features of today has been time. Running out of time, things not running to time, being behind schedule. Is it because I didn’t ......View
My psychic life: Day 17 (13010) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,07 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Yesterday I tidied my desk & made some more space. I’m trying to resist filling all the space as quickly as possible. The urge to cover the......View
My psychic life: Day 16 (12378) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,07 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Today I decided to tidy my desk. I usually work in a messy muddle – 2 diaries, Partylite orders, my jotter & healing journal, post-it note ......View
My psychic life: Day 15 (II) (11308) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,07 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Sleep! Where did it go last night? I went to sleep & a couple of hours later pinged awake. Then stayed awake. I fell back asleep in the ear......View
My psychic life: Day 14 (116389) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,07 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
The theme today has been healing! Myself included. I try to start every day with a Reiki meditation so that I can put myself in as much pos......View
My psychic life: Day 15 (15365) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,07 Dec 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
After a busy few days it’s been lovely to spend some quieter time at my Centre. It’s been nearly two years since I took on the challenge of......View
My psychic life: Day 12 (11403) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,30 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
It’s been a full on day today. I spent the day doing readings & the evening doing a service at Bankfoot Spiritualist church in Bradford. So......View
My psychic life: Day 11 (10147) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,30 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Today I’ve been to a funeral of a lovely man. I met him because of his passion for keeping his local Spiritualist Church in Ashton Under Ly......View
My psychic life: Day 10 (9794) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,30 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Tonight I’m writing my blog after a full day in Harrogate at a PartyLite event. It was an early start, lots of traffic delays & a full on d......View
My Psychic life: Day 9 (9588) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,30 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
I started blogging every day as part of a challenge posed by Bradley Will on FaceBook. He has been encouraging all of us to keep going & se......View
My psychic life: Day 8 (10939) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Mon,30 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Today is officially the start of my weekend! I did wonder what I was going to write about as housework might not be that interesting, lol. ......View
How to Choose a Reader (9674) (Global)
By:Gilly Workman
Date: Sat,28 Nov 2015
Submitter:Gilly Workman
“What is the difference between a psychic and a medium?”
A psychic will be using their sixth senses, or working with their ‘clairs’ as I......View
My psychic life: day 7 (19026) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Tue,24 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
It’s funny what influences shape our lives. Although I was a sceptic about psychic ability & Energy Beings I’ve always been open-minded abo......View
My psychic life: Day 6 (9167) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Tue,24 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Today I’ve had a chance to do something else I love. I’ve been to Wakefield Spiritualist church where I was the medium bringing in both phi......View
My psychic life: Day 5 (8956) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Tue,24 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
I’m sitting in my office with a cup of coffee & several ginger biscuits thinking about how I’ve got to day 5 of my blog about my psychic li......View
My psychic life: Day 4 (10661) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Tue,24 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Today’s task has been to stay focused on the readings & healing I have lined up & not drift away into a trance. That’s because tonight I’m ......View
My psychic life: Day 3 (8367) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Tue,24 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Today it was time for my regular visit to a great personal support group, Damsels in Success, in Leeds run by Dawn Grossart. Everyone needs......View
My psychic life: Day 2 (8430) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Tue,24 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Today I’m at the Centre (in my pink slippers) to catch up on a bit of admin & follow up on readings I’ve done over the past few days. I alw......View
My psychic life: Day 1 (21019) (Global)
By:Annie Conboy
Date: Tue,24 Nov 2015
Submitter:Annie Conboy
Much as I love all the stuff about the ‘woo woo’ side of being a psychic, it really isn’t the way I live. Having reached a stage in my life......View
Celebrity Psychic Grant Colyer (8365) (Kent)
By:Grant Colyer
Date: Thu,08 Oct 2015
Submitter:Grant Colyer
Book a reading with Celebrity Psychic Grant Colyer
Telephone, Skype and 1-1 readings available
XFactor Medium 2014 Grant has read for man......View
Psychic Reading Case Study (10540) (Global)
By:Heather Butt
Date: Fri,17 Jul 2015
Submitter:Heather Butt
Case Study - A lady called Marie came along to consult Rosemary Price for a psychic and clairvoyance reading. She made a point of telling u......View
Become a Well Paid Clairvoyant (10266) (Global)
By:Donna Mills
Date: Thu,25 Jun 2015
Submitter:Donna Mills
Having been a psychic for a long time, I know what it is like to start out in this and not know where to start. Becoming a well paid clairv......View
Pontification not required (10003) (Global)
By:ann Marsden
Date: Sun,28 Dec 2014
Submitter:ann. marsden
To whom it may concern, I would like to ask a question. Are some people to reliant on Mediums? We all receive evidence about our loved on......View
standards of Mediumship (9725) (Global)
By:ann mmarsden
Date: Tue,29 Apr 2014
Submitter:ann marsden
Over the past fifteen there has been a massive decline in church demonstrations.. I do not call it mediumship,it is either psychicism or ......View
'Modern' Mediumship (9956) (Global)
By:ann prince
Date: Mon,14 Apr 2014
Submitter:ann Marsden
What. is "Modern" Mediumship? I am really puzzled about this, I have always thought Spirit Communication. was just that with no frills.......View
Colin Fry An Appreciation of (18716) (Global)
By:mark digby
Date: Tue,18 Mar 2014
Submitter:Mark Digby
I remember contacting Colin when he was agony uncle on psychic news. I was despondent in my own mediumhip. Colin offered me inspiration and......View
Psychic Art Portraits (12768) (International)
By:Peter Steedman
Date: Sat,08 Feb 2014
I am very proud of my wife Brige who is now producing these wonderful Spirit Guide pictures for people who want to feel closer to those won......View
What Does Psychic Mean? (11885) (Global)
By:Amy Schofield
Date: Mon,28 Oct 2013
Submitter:Amy Schofield
The term psychic originates from the Greek word ‘Psyche’ meaning the human soul, spirit or mind. We are all born with some degree of psychi......View
How Mediums Work (14289) (Global)
By:Ursula Roberts
Date: Wed,02 Oct 2013
Submitter:Luna Holistics
Mediums and how they work
In part 10 we discussed how mediums work and in this final part we will look further into this subject and ho......View
Learn how mediums work (14394) (Global)
By:Ursula Roberts
Date: Mon,30 Sep 2013
Submitter:Luna Holistics
In part 9 we discussed the Psychic Phenomena and how this affects the aura. In this part we will continue but will lea......View
The Potential of Mediumship (13999) (Global)
By:Glyn Edwards
Date: Thu,23 May 2013
Submitter:SG Reader
Extract from:
By Glyn Edwards
Complied & with an Intro......View
Leslie Flint Remembered (10757) (International)
By:Mark Digby
Date: Mon,06 May 2013
Submitter:Mark Digby
Leslie Flint ( 1911-1994 ) Leslie Flint had an extraordinary gift of medimship, direct voice, where spirit operators used an ectoplasmic vo......View
Doris Stokes Remembered (21012) (International)
By:Mark Digby
Date: Sat,04 May 2013
Submitter:Mark Digby
Doris Stokes ( 1920-1987 ) Born Doris sutton in Grantham Lincolnshire. She was a natural Medium and see Spirit as a child. Doris joined......View
Maurice Barbanell remembered (11501) (Global)
By:Mark Digby
Date: Sun,14 Apr 2013
Submitter:Mark Digby
Maurice Barbanell ( 1902-1981 ) Founder and editor of the weekly Spiritualist newspaper Psychic News, and for fifty years spreading the Sp......View
Estelle Roberts Remembered (11832) (Global)
By:Mark Digby
Date: Tue,26 Feb 2013
Submitter:Mark Digby
Estelle Roberts ( 1889-1970 )
Estelle Roberts was one of the most gifted Mediums f the 20th Century. She was sensitive to the S......View
Gordon Higginson Remembered (12039) (Global)
By:Mark Digby
Date: Fri,01 Feb 2013
Submitter:Mark Digby
Gordon Higginson 1920-1992 - Probably one of the finest exponents of Mediumship Spiritualism has ever seen.
Gordon's Mother Fanny Higg......View
A Christmas Message (9148) (Global)
Date: Fri,21 Dec 2012
Submitter:NICKY ALAN
here are positives and negatives in our lives, as we have to adhere to balance. Sometimes the balance hits the negative end far too much, ......View
Speak Your Truth (93144) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Sat,24 Nov 2012
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
Dear Wendy, I caught out a medium recently who I know from work where people pay him for readings. He is always telling people what his Red......View
Allow Spirit in! (11696) (Sussex)
By:Louisa Bertram
Date: Wed,11 Jul 2012
Submitter:Louisa Bertram - Angels and Butterflies
When connecting with Spirit, even if it’s only a quick chat with your mum (for instance), do open up to those around you. You may well fin......View
The real you (13221) (International)
By:Derek Murray
Date: Tue,03 Apr 2012
Who are you, not the physical you, but the essence of you that resides in or around your body? Are you not a miraculous sentient being capa......View
FOR THE MEDIUMS (17576) (International)
By:Allan Kardec
Date: Sun,01 Apr 2012
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall ......View
GRATUITOUS MEDIUMSHIP (22306) (International)
By:Allan Kardec
Date: Sun,01 Apr 2012
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
Mediums today (since the Apostles also possessed mediumship) have equally received a faculty gratis from God. This is of being interpreters......View
Spirit Watched Over Me (11220) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Sat,10 Mar 2012
Submitter:The Faerie Whisperer
I have been working with the Spirit for most of my life. I am in my 20’s now and as a child that always felt different from people I went t......View
Sussex - Daily Mediumship Guide (13686) (Sussex)
By:Jim Howat
Date: Wed,29 Feb 2012
Submitter:Jim Howat
All demonstrations by date in Sussex, the South and South West are listed on the website. All churches and centres. If you know of a specia......View
Psychic Jeff (10958) (Global)
By:Jeff Elliott
Date: Wed,15 Feb 2012
Submitter:Jeff Elliott
My name is Jeff and I am a Clairvoyant Medium.
My first experience of Spirit was when I was 3 years old, when I used to see a lady in m......View
The Truth..... (10696) (International)
By:Kev Moores
Date: Thu,19 Jan 2012
Hello everyone, i hope your all keeping well and are in good health. Its been sometime since i was last here writing an article for the sp......View
Intelligent sleep and Mediumship (13958) (Essex)
By: Alba Nydia Morales
Date: Wed,16 Nov 2011
Submitter:E Rossi
In the book "In the Domain of Mediumship, Andre Luiz mentions that "What amazes me is the, incessant service everywhere. While awake and du......View
The state of Mediumship (8580) (Global)
By:Ann Marsden
Date: Mon,14 Nov 2011
The spirit world are tired very tired of the so-called "Mediumship" or what passes for it in many churches. it is unbelivable that th......View
INSPIRATION (11203) (Global)
By:Glyn Edwards and Santoshan
Date: Sun,13 Nov 2011
Chapter frrom the ‘The Spirit World in Plain English: Mediumistic and Spiritual Unfoldment’
By Glyn Edwards and Santoshan
A little Insight (7969) (International)
By:Nick Shutler
Date: Sat,08 Oct 2011
Submitter:Nick Shutler
Dear Friends I have been producing and publishing ‘Between Us’ magazine for seven years, in that time I have published over 28 editions of......View
Medium Phone Readings (8123) (Global)
By:rachel ann
Date: Wed,13 Apr 2011
Losing a loved one or a dear friend can be an extremely daunting and painful experience. Many of us find it difficult to adjust to not havi......View
Help with Fundraising Evening (6850) (Essex)
By:Jan Brown
Date: Tue,01 Feb 2011
Submitter:jan brown
I am looking for one or two psychic mediums who would kindly donate their time and their gift for a Psychic/Medium Evening, demonstration, ......View
-2012 (26548) (London)
By:Leo Bonomo
Date: Sat,29 Jan 2011
Submitter:Leo Bonomo
You will find all kinds of interesting information at my blog including this article: a href="http://mediumshipandlifeafterdeath.wordpress......View
Spiritual Awakening-Kundalini (12505) (Global)
By:Kev Moores
Date: Tue,21 Dec 2010
Submitter:Kev Moores
Hello folks, its soon approaching Christmas and one again the dread is setting in. well it is for me.... living in a materialistic world ma......View
So You Want To Be a Medium ? ... (7613) (Global)
By:Jay Gage
Date: Mon,20 Dec 2010
Submitter:Jay Gage - Inspiral Mediums
Having worked as a medium now for some years, and had my earliest experiences with spirit people at the age of four, I have had a rather ch......View
What is a Seance? (9600) (International)
By:Kev Moores
Date: Sat,16 Oct 2010
Submitter:Kev moores
What is a séance??? A séance is an attempt to communicate with the spirit world. It is usually presided over by a medium, a "sensitive" per......View
the Gifts Belong to All (8750) (Global)
By:Gary Allen
Date: Sun,10 Oct 2010
Submitter:Gary Allen
Everyone has the ability to heal and has a sixth sense. The only thing you need is to learn how to use it and be responsible with it. You d......View
Wannabe Mediums and Psychics (11725) (Global)
By:Kev Moores
Date: Sat,09 Oct 2010
Submitter:kev moores
Hello again everybody! Today I’ve been inspired to talk about people like myself who aspire to work for the spirit world with spirit. For t......View
Psychic and Visionary art (8288) (Global)
By:lindan peate
Date: Sat,04 Sep 2010
I felt impressed to do a unicorn, I did it in pastels when l shown it to some friends someone, had found a face by the right ear. Thoughts ......View
Medium sense! (7246) (Global)
By:Carolyn clayton
Date: Wed,24 Mar 2010
The literal sense of the word "medium" means middle. We have small, medium and large, fat, medium and thin, tall, medium and short, and so......View
3 Mediums & One Soul. (8106) (Global)
By:shane darbey
Date: Wed,25 Nov 2009
Submitter:shane darbey
3 mediums that unknowlingly connect with a soul, full of joy and light, without even realising the joyfull wonder of what his messages will......View
What is a medium? (10196) (Essex)
Date: Mon,13 Jul 2009
What is a Medium?
A medium communicates with a personality that endures beyond death.
Can anyone become a Medium?
All of us are p......View
ORBS ARE THEY REAL (10351) (Nottinghamshire)
Date: Sat,27 Jun 2009
Submitter:Shane Darbey
are orbs real.
are orbs real, some say they arent some say they are, some say they are just dust or the light reflecting on the lense, r......View
Communicating With Animals (8052) (International)
By:Cherokee Billie
Date: Sun,10 May 2009
Submitter:Cherokee Billie
All my life I have had animals as my friends - Ranging from cats to turtles. With each pet I have found that they communicate quite affect......View
ENDLESS SEARCH... (6238) (International)
Date: Fri,10 Apr 2009
Submitter:Becky Woods
It has been said that the most complex piece of machinery in the world is the human brain; it contains so much information, so delicate, so......View
Psychic Medium Roz McCormack (9511) (Norfolk)
Date: Sat,28 Mar 2009
Hello everybody ! My name is Roz and I am a Psychic medium. I have had this special gift from childhood but developed a much, much stronger......View
Free Psychic Reading! (13217) (Essex)
By:Cherokee Billie
Date: Thu,19 Mar 2009
Submitter:Cherokee Billie
I got your attention quickly with this announcement didn’t I? You were more than willing to get your Free Psychic reading. That’s the purp......View
Man made rules ? Just a thought (7636) (Essex)
By:Jock McArthur
Date: Fri,09 Jan 2009
Man made rules ? Just a thought.
There seems to be a lot of man made rules concerning sitting in
circles, demonstrating medium-ship in al......View
Automatic Writing - An Introduction (6453) (London)
By:Sarah Tyler-Walters
Date: Sun,23 Nov 2008
Submitter:Sarah Tyler-Walters
Automatic Writing
When people speak about spirit communication there first thoughts are of clairvoyance and messages from loved ones who......View
Are Ouija Boards Dangerous? (18635) (Global)
Date: Tue,14 Oct 2008
The Ouija (which is said to take its name from a combination of the French and German for 'yes') was re-invented as a parlour game in 1898 ......View
Do You Have a Psychic Gift? (10177) (Global)
Date: Wed,08 Oct 2008
Do you have times when you think about someone you haven't seen in a long time and then you suddenly bump into them? Do you have dreams tha......View
Mediumship (9956) (Suffolk)
By:Y. Limoges and Jacqueline Benenati
Date: Wed,01 Oct 2008
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
Written by Jacqueline Benenati
Be grateful to God that throughout history provisions have been made for man to come to te......View