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Please remember that this crystal has been photographed using a Macro Lens.
The 'Stone of the Temple's' holds a deep spiritual energy with offerings of courage, loyalty, commitment and respect.
Enstatite works well with those who are seeking wisdom, seeking to learn what is of truth and what is not. This is also a stone that goes alongside the being who has a devotion to a following, to a religion, to a belief that is of love, light and peace.
Enstatite encourages loyalty where this is of a worthy and of a non-corrupt source.
Enstatite helps one to be committed, true to word and true to promise.
"Loyalty from the heart is loyalty of the soul, everlasting"
This stone is beneficial in the strengthening of courage, helping one to face situation's of worry and fear with ease and support. "One can face the Lion with fear, yet find the Lion within and gain courage" Enstatite gives opportunity for one to find bravery within as well as all around, to see that bravery is within many, encouraging respect where it is due.
Also a stone of protection, surrounding the whol

e being with armour from negative energy forces. Enstatite is a Knight at one's side, loyal and devoted. Enstatite helps in the healing of a troubled mind, bringing a clarity of thought and a sense of peace.
Use this stone to ease trauma, shock and stress. This may be a recent happening, or a gradual development from a past happening. Keep the stone close by at all time's in such cases.
"It is often that the being has seen and faced many disturbances, let Enstatite ease these away, heal the troubled mind and sooth the wary soul"
Enstatite helps one to connect with the spiritual self, to find peace and guidance from Divine source. Also helping one to let go of feeling's of loneliness, being wary and tired of facing a new day, and having no place amongst other being's.
"One shall not walk alone in light or in darkness, if one grows wary the loyal Knight shall be the footprints on the land".
A special stone even in its smallest forms.
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