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I have had the feeling for about week that there would be an event that would create large scale negative energy on the planet. I could feel the energy gathering in the Collective, and I hoped that I was not right. But, the events in India have come at a time when the Light on the Planet is rising and the Collective is moving into Higher Consciousness and the expression of Oneness. So the question would seem to be, why now, when we have been feeling this lifting into the Light and the sense of achievement.
Well, I noticed a while ago that whenever there were so-called terrorist events on the planet, they would occur in July, August or September, usually. This was also the time when the Earth aligned with the Lion's Gate portal and evolutionaty light and energy would pour into the planet allowing for great leaps forward in the Collective Consciousness. It was as though there was some force that was trying to prevent this movement into Light by deliberately trying to focus the Collective Consciousness on the slower vibrating energies of fear and anger and violence. If the Collective Consciousness can be held at that slow vibrating place, then the leap forward will not be made, and the Collective Consciousness will stagnate at that level and there will be no growth. The acceleration of the Light will align with the Collective and the opportunity for significant change will be lost as the Collective circulates around in the old, old patterns of fear and violence.
Yes, it is all about patterns of behavior and choice, for the patterns that we choose manifest our reality. At this time, the choice is to focus on the rising Light of Oneness, or circulate back into the old dualistic patterns of fear and violence and separation.
Of course, the question that comes up, is who are these "forces" that seem bent on preventing the evolution of Consciosuness into Higher Light. And of course, in the old days of duality it was easy enough to call them "the dark" and point the finger "over there", definitely not "in here". But, as we rise into the enlightened awareness of Oneness, we have to acknowledge that this retrogressive energy comes from within the Collective Consciousness, and that it is our own Collective fear of moving forward that is attempting to hold us in old patterns and space. The fear of creating something new and unknown, as opposed to the comfort of fighting off the supposedly "known" demons and illusions of the dualistic reality.
As a Collective Consciousness we are great storytellers and game-players, and we like to keep with the stories and games that we know. This is not a great esoteric truth, it is well known even in the entertainment industry these days. Yesterday, I watched "The Brothers Grimm", a movie about Germany in the 18th century, but the themes were the nature of illusion and the stories that we tell ourselves and the element of "real magic" that can be part of these stories. The "real magic" is the power of our creative selves to make new choices and move beyond the habitual choices and create new stories and new events in our lives.
So, at this time, we need to stay in touch with that powerful force that we can call "real magic", the power of our Creative Inner Divinity and hold the Light for real change on the Earth. And we can do this also by not ourselves just recycyling into the old dualistic energy that perpetuates war and violence as a way of life and a way of attempting to evolve. For, there is no doubt that the events in India will lead to a rise in tension between India and Pakistan, and that this will lead to even more stress and instability in the middle eastern region. The Collective is moving back into old patterns and old pathways, at this crucial moment of new choices and new directions. As Lightworkers, we have worked with Spirit to set up the new pathways and the new energies and the new stories. We need to keep our focus on the Rising New Earth at this time, and not be drawn into the retrogressive movement of the Collective as it expresses our fear of moving forward into this new space.
The Light will continue to rise on the Planet, through the 12:12 gateway and to the Solstice in December. At this time, the southern pole of the planet will align directly with the Galactic center, and very powerful forces of Light will stream onto the planet. This Light can carry us forward into significant change, if we do not make the choice to focus instead on the old patterns of fear and violence. And, as Lightworkers, it is our work right now to keep our focus on the Light as the Collective wobbles and tries to descend back into the old habits of the Third Dimension.
So, as part of holding and bringing light to the Planet at this time, I have decided to open a new section for the Starchild Website. I am going to call this "New Earth Rising: questions for Archangel Michael". In this section I invite you to send in questions that may be relevant to you and to the planet. I cannot promise to answer all questions, but I will choose those that seems most appropriate and will answer them together with the Archangel Michael channel as a way of bringing more Light and information to the planet at this time.
If you would like to send in a question, please just write "question for Archangel Michael" in the subject line, and also indicate whether you would like your name included with the question or not.
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